Branding Photos and Videos with Annual Photo & Video Client Spare My Time

woman holds coffee cup in front of bright teal wall in London during branding photos with Nina Mucalov Photography

Wondering what it's like to have an annual photo+video package for your business?

I’ve asked one of my incredible annual photo+video clients, Melissa of Spare My Time, to share her experience! We’ve been working together for 2 years, capturing branding photos to showcase her incredible business, team, and brand.

woman in navy top leans forward on phone during branding photos with Nina Mucalov Photography

‘Working with Nina for the past 2 years has revolutionised how I feel about having my photo taken, how I portray myself to my audience and how I approach Instagram.’

During our brand photography sessions, we always have a few goals. First and foremost, we want to be sure we capture photos of Melissa as the face of her business. During each session, we also captured:

👩🏻lifestyle headshots of her team
👩‍💻behind-the-scenes of her business
👩‍👧‍👦interactions with her family

As a video client, we also created a series of Client Testimonial Videos for Spare My Time. Social proof is always a great idea for a small business!

After the session, her photos and videos are perfect for:

👩‍💻 Website
📱 Social media
📰 PR features
📝 Newsletters / blogposts / course materials

As well as anything else she thinks of to grow her virtual assistant business.


Melissa’s business Spare My Time has gone from strength to strength evidenced by her 5000+ Instagram followers and team of 20+ Virtual assistants serving hundreds of clients across the globe.

‘Nina's friendly, she's instructive and she's strategic. I now can't imagine running my business without her support.”

 If you’d love to learn more about how my Annual Photo & Video package could help you grow your business (& make social media & marketing SO much easier!) contact me!

Do you have big plans for your business this year? Get in touch to chat about how an annual photo & video personal branding package can make them your reality.


Send me a message! I’d love to chat with you.



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