7 Tips for Eye-Catching Photos

Do you have hundreds (maybe thousands?) of photos on your iPhone that you love, but that you also know could be improved?

Not so dark or out of focus that you have to delete them, but the moments so special you wish your photo did it justice? While photos we capture on our phones are unlikely to recreate the magic of a professional photoshoot (of course I'm going to say that) 

Here are a few simple tips you can use to elevate your photos. No special camera equipment required!

7. Capture photos from a unique perspective

As well as capturing from eye level also  get right above your subject & also shoot from below. 

For example next time you're photographing your kids stand up on the sofa/bed/poolside and photograph looking down on them.

Singapore branding photographer Nina Mucalov shares 7 tips for eye catching photos of your family or during branding sessions

6. Frame your subject

Using frames is a great way to draw the viewer's eye to your subject. 

Doorways and windows are both great framing options. So next time you're inspired to show your face on your feed try leaning against a doorway.

Singapore branding photographer Nina Mucalov shares 7 tips for eye catching photos of your family or during branding sessions

5. Capture movement

Have your subject spin, jump, walk, run, scoot. What's your child's favourite activity? Choose a spot next to a big window or in the shade outside and ask them to do their best!

(Bonus - they're likely to do it for you multiple times so you can capture it from multiple angles). 

Singapore branding photographer Nina Mucalov shares 7 tips for eye catching photos of your family or during branding sessions

4. Use interesting foreground elements

It's a great way to draw your viewer's eye to the subject and add interest to the frame.

Do you work in a favourite coffee shop? Or sit in the same spot in your living room with your laptop most days?  

Ask someone to capture a photo of you through the window or with a plant in the foreground.

3. incorporate color

It's a great (& easy!) way to make your photos POP.  

Do you have a colourful top/dress/ jacket? Wear it! Or look for a great coloured wall in your local neighbourhood.

Even if you're more of a 'neutral' person, having a few tiny pops of colours will give your photos added variety.

Singapore branding photographer Nina Mucalov shares 7 tips for eye catching photos of your family or during branding sessions

2. Use fun props

Hats, scarves, notebooks, books, balloons, umbrellas... the options are endless!

Anything you use and love can be a great photo prop! 

(including your pets &/or kids!)And when capturing photos for your business think about all the different tools you use as part of your work! 

Singapore branding photographer Nina Mucalov shares 7 tips for eye catching photos of your family or during branding sessions
  1. look for beautiful light

Having beautiful light is the best way to ensure you capture photos you will love. 

Front light eg facing a window, or side light are both great options!

Before you start snapping, take a few moments to notice where the light is coming from and which angle looks most flattering (turn your camera to selfie mode and spin slowly on the spot - the difference in light will become clear I promise). 

Singapore branding photographer Nina Mucalov shares 7 tips for eye catching photos of your family or during branding sessions

I hope these tips help you feel more confident about capturing beautiful eye-catching photos on your phone! 💖

Nina x

PS! If you’d love someone else to capture photos of the beautiful family and/or business you’re creating here are some ways I can help as a Singapore branding photographer!

🍾 Building a new website, launching a course or writing a book?  Get all the details of my personal brand photography packages here!

❤️ Love some photos of your whole family together?! Book a session to celebrate your gorgeous family!



Branding Photos and Videos with Annual Photo & Video Client Spare My Time


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