Let’s build you the thriving, profitable photography business of your dreams!

1:1 Private Mentoring to grow your client list, your confidence and your income.

Do you feel like you never know where your next client is coming from, and you’re still struggling to nail your messaging and pricing?

You see other photographers out there filling their calendars with ideal clients and posting amazing content to social media everyday. They’re running a thriving business, have a client base who adores them and their audience engagement is through the roof.

You’re passionate about photography and have a portfolio you’re proud of but the amount of time you’re putting into your business just isn’t being reflected in your earnings (even the thought of calculating your per-hour pay is depressing.)

I understand how exciting, fulfilling (and frustrating!) it can be to build and grow your own photography business.

I spent years charging next to nothing for my services. I was dedicating every spare moment to photography, whether that was editing client images, taking another course or tweaking my website, only to end the month barely covering my costs.

I had taken the leap to go full-time in my business, (after years of juggling it alongside my corporate job and two small kids) but it felt safer to take another class, learn another skill or offer another free shoot than to actually figure out how I was going to make a consistent profit in my business.

Then I discovered Personal Brand Photography, hired a 1:1 mentor and everything changed.

In the space of a year I went from earning less than £1000 per month in my business to generating consistent $7000+ months working less than 25 hours per week and serving only clients I ADORE.

Let me support you through a 6 month 1:1 private mentoring package so you can:

• Grow your business and have your ideal clients booking you months in advance

• Create an irresistible personal brand of your own

• Generate a healthy profit in your business (every month!)

And I want the same thing for you!

Are you ready to build the business you’ve always dreamed of?

My 6 month 1:1 mentoring package will take you from questioning every aspect of your business, to being confident in your pricing, packaging, messaging and workflow in a way that feels perfect for YOU.

And I know you're probably worried that to earn more, you'll have to increase your prices and lose your favourite clients?

I was too. But I know that doesn't have to be the case. I’ve more than 8x my prices since starting out and am still regularly photographing some of my very first clients.

Or perhaps you've thought about adding Personal Branding but been told that it’ll mean you need to give up family photography (or deal with the hassle of marketing them completely separately?)

Not true! Together we can build the photography business of your dreams. I'll work with you to figure out the perfect balance and create a mix that works specifically for you.

I'm also willing to bet that right now you avoid posting photos of yourself to social media because it feels awkward?

I get it! I used to feel that way too. Building your own personal brand will be one of our priorities when working together and I’ll be supporting you to grow your visibility in a way that feels right (and sharing all my tips & shortcuts) as you start attracting exactly the type of clients you’ve always dreamed of working with.

This is for you if:

• You’ve been running your photography business as a side hustle (or hobby). You've got a portfolio and dream of making the leap to full-time but you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to replace your corporate salary, or…

• You’re earning $500, $1000, $2000 per month but you’re not sure how you’ll ever make more without raising your prices and scaring away all your existing clients, or…

• You’re running a successful(ish) family photography business but with inconsistent money coming in each month, or…

• You’ve dabbled in adding personal branding packages (maybe you’ve done some free or heavily discounted sessions) but finding a steady stream of clients paying full price feels impossible?


…having a client calendar that fills months in advance with your dream clients so you never need to stress about where your next client is coming from.

…feeling confident and at ease in every area of your business from messaging and marketing, pricing, sales, workflow, client experience so you can actually ENJOY running it.

…having a business that supports you to thrive in all areas of your life: financially, artistically and personally so you don’t need to compromise or keep working in a job you hate.

Is photography mentoring right for me?

  • I totally understand, which is why I wanted to create a program that specifically targets photography business owners. Business growth courses are often aimed at multiple industries, which means it’s easy to fall through the cracks. It’s also common to be inspired during a program, have the best of intentions, but then for the demands of life & day-to-day business to get in the way of implementation.

    Having me as your 1:1 private mentor means I’m there to support you as you implement the things that have the most impact (& bring you the most joy!) and that there is someone to turn to through the trickiest parts of the journey, which are almost always where we falter on our own.

  • Investing in 1:1 mentoring was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done as a business owner.

    But I also know that it’s the thing that has meant I have been able to grow the profitable, successful business I adore, that only a few years ago would have felt like a pipe dream.

    I want you to have the same success. I would never want someone to invest in my programme if it wasn’t right for them. Which is why I offer a totally free 30 minute call to see whether we're a good fit. No pushy sales chat, just an opportunity to really get to know you and your business.

  • Why not book a call and we can chat? We’re not talking crazy hours (I’ve never worked more than 30 hours per week on my business) but it’s true that you do need to be in a place where you are able and willing to build the business you desire.

    You'll need to be able to carve out time for our monthly 1:1 sessions and some time to action the things we discuss. The time commitment is as much as you want to put in, but roughly 5-10 hours a month will get you results.

  • If you are completely new to photography I have some great classes that I can recommend! If you’ve already mastered your camera, built a portfolio and are ready to jump into launching your business with both feet, then private 1:1 mentoring could be the perfect next step for you. Book a call and we can chat!

Your 6 month 1:1 private mentoring package includes:

  • 90 minute intensive kick-off call

    Where do you want to be in your business in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year’s time? What do you love most and what are you struggling with? We will lay out a road map to ensure during our time together we are getting you to where YOU want to be.

  • 1 hour monthly calls

    Each month we will focus on the key aspects that will drive your business forward (as well as look at, and dismantle any mental blocks holding you back).

  • Weekly check-ins to keep you on track between sessions

    Have a client question you’re not sure how to respond to? Or want someone to review your latest sales post or client proposal before it goes out? I’m here for you with weekly Voxer support — meaning that there is no lost momentum between calls.

  • Shortcuts and Templates

    Want to know exactly what emails I send to my prospects & clients? Want to start offering personal branding photoshoots and/or video but not sure how? I share the exact equipment, process and workflow I use with all my 1:1 mentoring clients so you can start doing the same in no time!

A 6 month 1:1 private mentoring package is priced at $2500, or 6 monthly payments of $450.

After working together you’ll be:

• Confident to talk and post about your business in a way that feels good to you and magnetises your ideal clients

• At ease in every aspect of your business knowing you have the perfect pricing, packaging, sales and workflow process for YOU. Selling and marketing your business will feel so much less stressful - effortless even!

• Running a business you’re proud of, serving clients you adore and financially supporting a lifestyle you love!

I also offer a 1 month intensive package for $750.

let’s build you the thriving, profitable photography business of your dreams!